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The football bowling pin game known as Fowling, is a hybrid game that combines elements of football, bowling, and horseshoes. The object of the game is for teams to be the first to knock all their opponents pins down by throwing a football at 10 bowling pins which are positioned in a triangular format. Some basics: Get a Strike, you win! Get a Bonk, you win! If on your first throw of the game you get the middle pin off the board, and all other pins remaining standing, you get to blow the Bonk Honk at the bar! Super cool right? A pin down is a pin down during normal game play. A maliciously knocked down pin is always returned to it's upright position. Any non-malicious act that knocks down a pin, counts. Examples: wind, accidental grazing of pins while clearing boards, dogs, earthquake, footballs from adjacent games. Don't throw pins at other pins, or at each other - not safe for anyone and will earn you a quick exit out of the building. At the end of every match, meet in the middle and shake hands. A hearty "Good Fowl" is always expected.
Fowling Clip